

Passing Through Zero

Year: 2024

Material: Taffeta, Wire, LEDs, Radios, AI Music, Paintings, Aluminum Prints, Zines, LED Screens, Raspberry PIs.

Size: 20'x30'

Question: Is Earth a big zero?

About Passing Through Zero

"Passing Through Zero" is an intriguing multi-dimensional installation that seeks to explore and push the boundaries of perception while engaging with contemporary concepts such as technocapitalism and the notion of Zero. By channeling the philosophical works of the CCRU, XenoFluff delves into the complex, interconnected systems of society's current workings, delivering a transformative visual experience that reconciles societal criticism with a playful aesthetic.

With the installation's narrative guided by the complex dynamics between technocapitalism and Zero, XenoFluff touches on existential concepts and societal mechanisms that strike a balance between the conventional and the avant-garde. The intricate layering of experimental animation, sound, painting, video, and sculpture in this installation is a testament to XenoFluff's innovative use of techniques beyond classical art forms.

One potential key to understanding the philosophical undercurrents in "Passing Through Zero" is its unique implementation of the Cute. Drawing inspiration from "Cute Accelerationism" by Amy Ireland and Maya B. Kronic, the installation utilizes cuteness as a tool to reframe the audience's perspective on human roles within technocapitalism and our relation to Zero. By representing the concept of Zero through cute elements, XenoFluff proposes a shift from harsh, binary perspectives to a more nuanced view of dissolution and transformation, central ideas in the discourse of Accelerationism.

In the vast field of site-specific art, XenoFluff's "Passing Through Zero" stands out by its engagement with complex philosophical ideas, use of multimedia and site-specific elements, and integration of diverse influential theories. The installation reaffirms XenoFluff's commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering dialogue, while also contributing to the critical discourse and understanding of our engagement with technocapitalism and the symbolism of Zero in today's time and age.