

Meme Magic

Year: 2016

Material: Digital Media

Size: Various

Question: Can a single image cause people to rethink their oaths?

About Meme Magic

"Meme Magic" is a compelling artwork by XenoFluff from 2016 that takes the viewer into the bewildering world of internet memes and their profound cultural implications. In line with XenoFluff's exploration of the digital landscape, this piece pushes boundaries and merges the often disparate realms of digital media and contemporary art.

"Meme Magic" takes an anonymous user-generated meme to explore the concept of oaths and their power, using the strange and unpredictable space of online communities to reframe the meme within an artistic context. It is a unique digital media work that manifests in multiple sizes, an attribute that reflects the artwork's malleability and omnipresence across the internet platforms.

The meme sourced for the piece features three intersecting circles in hues of blue and green. Originating from an anonymous forum, it was claimed that the meme could void any oath, and over time, it catalyzed a wave of meme variants. This ignited a broader online discussion about personal experiences within cults, rituals, and the implications of oath-taking, ultimately purporting that this meme, called "Oathuism", could act as a form of salvation.

By including these varied narratives and responses, XenoFluff embeds myriad forms and layers of human emotion and experience within the work, transforming "Meme Magic" into a potent sociocultural commentary. It accentuates the power internet memes have to foster interaction, spark debate, trigger memory, and even reshape individuals' views and lives.

"Meme Magic" thus signifies the emergence of a new form of art practice: one that intersects with digital culture, integrates with and influences the collective social consciousness and personal identity. As the world continues to shift and grow in the digital age, artworks like "Meme Magic" not only reflect this reality, but actively participate in shaping it, capturing the transient and often elusive spirit of our contemporary digital era.